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Hi Score Girl Nº02 (INGLÉS)

En Stock

Entrega Inmediata 24 ò 48 horas horas


Formas de entrega disponibles: Entrega fuera Península (Solo Canarias, Andorra, Ceuta y Melilla) Correo Certificado, Recogida por el cliente, Entrega 24h ó 48h, Entrega Urgente, Envió Baleares (solo Baleares), 30 dias Importación, Importacion (Plazo entrega segun articulo)

The year is 1991, and the world is on the cusp of the golden age of 2-D fighting games. And on the outskirts of town, in a shady arcade that's a second home to delinquents and businessmen, one girl descends with dignity into her seat at the game cabinet...

Her name is Akira Oono, and she's about to humiliate hardcore gamer Haruo Yaguchi, who fancies himself something of an arcade king, at Street 

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